Sunday, February 07, 2010

New Year, new beginnings, new projects

Well January sped by. But I'm not feeling guilty in the least. It was a month of indulgences.
Pouring over new books acquired at Christmas, absorbing inspiration, keeping notes. But now...
now I must get back to work (play). Amongst other explorations I have been working with encaustics. I have slowly accumulated what I need and it was time to put them to use. You can read all you want but until you actually put the acquired knowledge to work you don't really know how to handle it. I have an idea of how I'll want to progress and what techniques I enjoy
working with and which ones are just not me. My initial experiments with textures were better
with the first few and then I kind of created "messes". So I changed course and started working
with photos to see how to integrate them into the wax. I haven't done anything particularly
creative with these photos but I needed time to let the experience simmer a bit before I proceed.
The texture is unlike working with layers in acrylic medium. There is a more ethereal look to
wax and it takes a different "mind set" to work with it. Next on my list will be to paint more
traditionally with the wax. That will be exciting...

1 comment:

frannie said...

Working with wax sounds intriguing, keep at it and let us know how you like it. It's good to branch out in a new direction sometimes, scary too!