Wednesday, May 13, 2009

....and I thought the Fall season was busy!

I'm half way through my Spring and Summer Studio location at Galerie Mouche on Cameron. A little hard to get into the groove
working in a different location away from home but a change is good. I've been more productive which is what I'd hoped for.
I started with watercolors because they were easier to transport and set up, even though I'm doing a lot of mixed media work at the moment. A new flower shop has opened across the street and I purchased some beautiful roses the week before Mother's Day and immediately set up painting them.
I love the "Bonne Maman" jams and jellies and often use the empty jars as a vase because I like the calligraphy. Tricky though
trying to translate that in a painting which I'm about to do with the Rose one. Here is another version using daisies....
And now the garden has produced flowers which I try to capture as they come and go.....Tulips, my favorite and soon the lilacs.

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