Over on "The Altered Page" this week, the results of the question "Where Does the Magic Happen?" are being posted. There are studio pics of the 95 or so participating artists. I had thought my pics would open up a little larger than they did, so I am posting them again here at a much better resolution......These were taken last September during the annual open studio tour. And one more pic of the room before the change. I had given up on the dual purpose of using it for family meals so this round table was moved to make room.....
Opened my email this morning to find some sketches that my son did this week. A year or so ago, not a day would go by without sketching something and then - not so much. Aside from his university studies, writing is his passion but I hoped he wouldn't lose his desire to sketch too, so I was pleasantly surprised to see these in my email. Hope he doesn't mind that I posted them here but having just acquired that beautiful wooden hand model and seeing his sketch of his own hand (by his own hand) I just had to share....
Last weekend was such an inspiring weekend. Thursday was a productive day in that I managed to finish more than a few pieces of jewelry in anticipation of Friday's vernissage (held last Friday of each month). So that always feels good. Starting projects I've been meaning to get to is always nice but actually finishing them is better. The vernissage on Friday was successful having sold several pieces and meeting nice people. On Saturday my daughter and I planned to go shopping for items for her first apartment in the city....however next door our neighbors were having a garage sale and we successfully acquired a TV for her place which made me think we should try a few more garage sales before we head into town. That really worked in my favor because the book shelves that I went to look at (thinking of my son's place) turned out to be a set of four wall units ($20 each!!) that were perfect for my "other studio" (the one I wouldn't want to show people because it's in the basement and in need of a major facelift). Also found a perfect (recently re-upholstered) sofa bed for $20! which was a perfect match color wise for my son's room downtown. To make it even better there were boxes of Liquitex paints all in nearly new condition at prices I couldn't refuse along with a wooden artist's model of an articulated hand. I had been wanting one for ages. A few hours later and about six trips back and forth I was in art heaven......One more stop at the local Library that runs a Saturday morning second hand shop where we found an almost new microwave for Emilie's place......and no I didn't forget about our shopping trip. My daughter and I managed to find the items she needed to set up in her new apartment. Sunday I re-arranged my work area to bring in the new cabinets and re-acquaint myself with items that had been stored away....and Monday we moved her into her apartment in the heart of the city....took a little break at the Atwater market which has a dizzying array of beautifully arranged fruits and vegetables, flowers and great food. My daughter's happy with her place and it's been altogether a great weekend....