Friday, June 22, 2007

Peony Painting

The peonies are just finishing in my garden but live on now in my painting. Here it is, 98% finished. Now I'll compare the painting before me to the reference material (the pics I took of the still life), let it simmer a little bit until I can judge more clearly and put a retouch varnish on it! I'm still always surprised how my first blocking in of colors
(I call it color mapping) and done with wild abandon is still pretty accurate when I return in the later stages. My oil paintings are a counterpoint to my acrylic paintings. I'm rather sedate when painting in oils but am more experimental with acrylics. There are more gestural brush strokes, layers, texture, color, etc. What I'd like to work on now is a stronger brush style. Even all these years later I approach a new painting with trepidation as if unsure that I can pull it off. (I think most artists feel the same way).

1 comment:

Marit said...

Wow! This is gorgeous... I love this painting and the flowers (only know the dutch name...) Such wonderful treasures the collaborators dug up! Thanks for posting this again!